By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, me and my co-workers were playing with the Helium tank we got today. We were all giggling like little girls for the better half of 15 minutes. I don't know what is more sad, that a bunch of guys were sucking helium instead of working, or that the youngest guy in the group is 43. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 097
You deserved it 15 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mrhahn530 0

I plan to continue that behavior until i die...


Sounds like you work somewhere awesome

that_guy321 2

where's the FML? this is awesome

jeanniner 0

haha. that sounds fun. nothing ****** about it. its good to stay young.

Holy crap were u sucking it right from the tank? That stuff can kill you if you get too much, your lucky no one passed out. But it does sound fun ;)

This is cute, not an FYL. Nothing wrong with having fun and laughing :-)

why is fyl? thats cute and adorable and creative and so you shouldnt have put that and if the youngest is 43 how old are you?!?!?!

Me and my husband are 26...I can only hope that we will still be playing with helium when we get older!

I assume you work in the industry? You see you are normal, cause none of you have any sort of education, so it's not slightly possible for you to have a conversation with intelectaul meaning.

manoverboard 0

This reminds me of MythBusters. BIG TIME.

manoverboard 0