By drakx88 - 06/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, it was my final meeting with my psychologist who was helping me with my bipolar disorder. I just found out that he committed suicide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 036
You deserved it 6 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible... whoever said you deserved that one is an asshole.

Sometimes the people best at helping others, cannot help themselves. I've known MANY people who had good, solid relationship advice...and had the worst relationships. They couldn't do for themselves, but they help/ed a lot of people. I would also suggest learning from his last lesson; as bad as you feel about him doing this...your family & friends would go through that but a million times *worse* if you had taken your own life. Pretty awful stuff. :(


eeee93757 0

**** your life? You have bipolar disorder, poor you. Your psychologist obviously had more problems than you can comprehend, don't flatter yourself, you had nothing to do with it, we didn't need your FML story about it because his committing suicide had nothing to do with you....sorry, I'm really not a mean person, but you just need to be blunt with some people. If you were close to him, hope you get over it have a nice day

For all those people who keep saying '**** the psychiatrist's life not yours' let me point out a couple of things. 1. The OP is only able to post from their own perspective. This is still a bad, bad day. Saying that there is another party to an FML who might have it worse invalidates yours? No. It doesn't. 2. The psychiatrist is dead. I'm not sure whether you got that or not. Dead. Sans life. Bereft of living. Shuffled off this mortal coil. He is an ex - psychiatrist. THEREFORE he has no life to ****. It isn't called **** my death is it? 3. Suicide is a selfish act of finality. There is no suffering he is going to feel afterward, but the people that are left behind feel the pain continually. Some for the rest of their lives. So the people who are left clearly suffer more than the deceased. 4. I don't believe the OP is taking responsibility for his death, but s/he certainly doesn't feel he was helpful in any way. More obviously if the person who is assigned to help can't handle their own problems, OP must feel quite alone and helpless. It's about perspective ********. Don't have a go at someone because they are upset that someone they are close to committed suicide. And being dismissive of mental illness... Just because you only have half a brain doesn't mean that you are somehow immune to mental health problems. If anything, it sounds a little like you are angry and disrespectful of others emotions. That sounds like a personality disorder rearing its head. Tell me about your mother. ...

I had this happen to me back in 1979. It's a bitch. For some reason I thought that I should have been able to tell that he was depressed. I not only thought that I should have been able to fix it, I was pissed that he told methat I could not kill myself, even had me make a pact with him not to....and then he "got" to go ahead and do it. I just realized that this was 30 years ago................................................I've had 5 kids since then. Have had really great times, and really bad times. This is one of the bad ones. It will take a while. It will be hard to trust another shrink, (it was for me.) Ya got to do it. Now as I think on it if I hadn't the world would be missing 5 really great people, a school teacher, a US Marine, an Youth employment counselor, a dancer and a high school wrestler. MY husband would have missed out on all of it too. One day at a time, and you are allowed to feel F'd on. Right now that's how you feel. You don't have to stay that way, and things will change.

i would "thumb up" your comment if I could but its so large that the thumb buttons don't show up when you push the rate button:)

weak people like you drove him insane.

OuchThatsHarsh 0

#78's right. I know, I've got bipolar too. My therapists used to get really bummed and such when I was in there. That stinks though

insane_chick 0

#77 = troll. **** you for being an insensitive asshole, do you want to place more unnecessary guilt upon someone and possibly drive themselves to suicide for something they didn't even cause in the first place? You are the one that is pathetic and weak for preying upon people's feelings, **** you. OP don't listen to people like that, I hope you found a new therapist and every thing's better. My dad has bipolar disorder, and he's had way more than one psychologist in his life, and he's doing fine. Oh and its not FYL it's **** your therapist's life for not thinking about what his death would do to you. **** his life long and hard! >:D Hope you are better.

aquariusbeauty 0

I feel so sad for you :( I wish I knew u in real life, I would really like to meet u, Everything is gonna be okay =)