Not helping

By Anonymous - 18/11/2021 01:59

Today, I was talking to my professor and explained how depressed and stressed out I am. He called the police to my house because he thought that would help with my suicidal thoughts. My parents don't believe in mental health, and I want to die more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 106
You deserved it 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it sucks to have parents like that, my mom used to believe mental illnesses were even real. do try to find a therapist, it will help LOADS. if you need to vent, I'll listen as well. good luck.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

If you are able to find a therapist (specifically in DBT) I'd highly recommend it. If you're under 18 then..... damn :/ I really wish you the best regardless


Your professor is a genius! He figured out that cops are the best suicide- prevention system.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

If you are able to find a therapist (specifically in DBT) I'd highly recommend it. If you're under 18 then..... damn :/ I really wish you the best regardless

it sucks to have parents like that, my mom used to believe mental illnesses were even real. do try to find a therapist, it will help LOADS. if you need to vent, I'll listen as well. good luck.