By drakx88 - 06/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, it was my final meeting with my psychologist who was helping me with my bipolar disorder. I just found out that he committed suicide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 036
You deserved it 6 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible... whoever said you deserved that one is an asshole.

Sometimes the people best at helping others, cannot help themselves. I've known MANY people who had good, solid relationship advice...and had the worst relationships. They couldn't do for themselves, but they help/ed a lot of people. I would also suggest learning from his last lesson; as bad as you feel about him doing this...your family & friends would go through that but a million times *worse* if you had taken your own life. Pretty awful stuff. :(


oh god. if that isn't disheartening i don't know what is.

Don't worry, my brother told me that psychologists tend to be overwhelmed by their jobs often--it's not uncommon for them to commit suicide. It's not your fault at all. Feel better!

I don't understand why you put this on this site. While having bi-polar disorder does suck, the likelihood of it being worse than whatever cause your psychiatrist to kill himself is low. **** his life, not yours.

azzy_aslan 0

OMG this has to be one of the worst well i hope u find better help

1. Bullshit. 2. If it was your final meeting it wouldn't matter.

resawins 0

jesus christ! that's a story i've never heard before. wow. i'm sorry to hear that. i can only imagine. don't listen to the people who are saying nasty comments. i can empathize with you.

girlieD86 0

That is sad! I'm sorry he died. I have never heard of that before

psychologists become psychologists cuz they need help themselves. dude im sorry but i had to sort of say oh shit and laugh. that sucks balls. well its not your fault. s/he probably needed a psych just as much as you did.