By drakx88 - 06/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, it was my final meeting with my psychologist who was helping me with my bipolar disorder. I just found out that he committed suicide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 036
You deserved it 6 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible... whoever said you deserved that one is an asshole.

Sometimes the people best at helping others, cannot help themselves. I've known MANY people who had good, solid relationship advice...and had the worst relationships. They couldn't do for themselves, but they help/ed a lot of people. I would also suggest learning from his last lesson; as bad as you feel about him doing this...your family & friends would go through that but a million times *worse* if you had taken your own life. Pretty awful stuff. :(


that sucks.... I could never be a shrink... it takes a special kind of person to be able to cope with all the depressing stuff they hear all day long.... hopefully everything works out for you

berii 0

That. Is. EFFED. with a freakin' captial EFFED...

Emika_fml 0

I won't say fake right off the bat, but.... the way it's written sounds sketchy. A "final meeting"? Why are you no longer meeting? Either he cured you of your bipolar disorder (not likely), or you're switching to someone new? And if you're switching anyway, it's not really a FYL for you... just his family.

don't worry 'bout it man. you're still alive and kicking. look up. there's always hope!

Lots of psychologists have disorders themselves that they don't tell their patients about. I'm studying to be a therapist, and I have bipolar and borderline personality disorder. Even if they don't have disorders, they usually have their own therapists, like #28 said, because it's a hard job listening to everyone's problems all day. They need to talk about stuff, too! It's sad that he was struggling with his own mental issues, but don't let it reflect on yourself in any way. Grieve, but move on. Find a new therapist if you feel your bipolar isn't under control, or seek out a grief counselor if you need to speak about your psychologist's death. I can't even imagine the shock of finding out something like that... Good luck to you.

Also, to #46... a final meeting really isn't that out of the ordinary in this field. Therapists aren't a forever thing. They can outgrow each other, financial needs change, or one of them moves. People can be a part of therapy programs that last for a specific amount of time with a predetermined last session. It doesn't sound fake to me at all.

... "**** your life"? I don't wish to sound insensitive, but if it was to be your last meeting, how much would it have done for you? It's a bit heartless and tacky to look at it in terms of yourself rather than noticing another human was unhappy enough to take his life, especially on a site like this which is meant for cheap laughs. (And there's nothing at all wrong with cheap laughs.)

acrho 0

As someone who is bipolar, I can only imagine how rough this is (btw, I read "I had my final meeting with him, he committed suicide" as the suicide is the reason for the final meeting, but that may just be my interpretation...I know I'll never be done with psychology and psychiatry because of the disorder). It's so hard to establish that trust to start out with and when you're dealing with your own suicidal thoughts with this person you make the assumption that they are stable ground. Having someone you've entrusted do something that your disorder can push you to can certainly throw you for a loop. Just keep focused on treatment and moving forward. For those who say a final treatment would mean it's not a FML, patients do see psychologists and psychiatrists as human and feel the pain of that loss of human life. This was a bond created over time and moving on is okay with the knowledge that the person is still there, but when it's a sudden, complete loss, it can be horrific. Particularly with this disorder which thrives on chaos of any type as fodder for a flare-up.