
By KayBee - 30/01/2021 02:00

Today, my psychiatrist of 6 years suddenly and out of nowhere told me I need to see someone else. She gave me the equivalent of the "it's not you it's me' speech." Actually her assistant told me via email. I basically got broken up with by someone I was paying a lot of money to talk to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 919
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wysegirl 24

in reality it is better for you. if you've been paying them for 6 years and no results you need to find someone else that can help you fix your issues. good luck.

Thats not how chronic mental illness works. a psychiatrist isn't a therapist where the goal is to not be in therapy forever. a Psychiatrist is who you see when you have Adhd, Bipolar, or chronic depression.


wysegirl 24

in reality it is better for you. if you've been paying them for 6 years and no results you need to find someone else that can help you fix your issues. good luck.

Thats not how chronic mental illness works. a psychiatrist isn't a therapist where the goal is to not be in therapy forever. a Psychiatrist is who you see when you have Adhd, Bipolar, or chronic depression.