By drakx88 - 06/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, it was my final meeting with my psychologist who was helping me with my bipolar disorder. I just found out that he committed suicide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 036
You deserved it 6 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible... whoever said you deserved that one is an asshole.

Sometimes the people best at helping others, cannot help themselves. I've known MANY people who had good, solid relationship advice...and had the worst relationships. They couldn't do for themselves, but they help/ed a lot of people. I would also suggest learning from his last lesson; as bad as you feel about him doing this...your family & friends would go through that but a million times *worse* if you had taken your own life. Pretty awful stuff. :(


aww, that sucks. It's not your fault. Keep talking and you'll be fine.

heyyyyyy :@ any1 that says 'haha' or 'sooooooooo funi' is an arsehole. Bi-polar is hard. Try not to let it get to you. Its not your fault. Try and get some more help and just rely on your family and friends to help you as well. Good luck! Dont let the haters win!

j_Leigh15 0

I somewhat kno how you feel i see my friend everyday who has ADHD and is Bi-polar. Good Luck and i know that it is not ur faultand the death of your phycologist is NOT because of you

#11,#13 and #18, u guys are just a bunch of retards. I bet your parents kick themselves for giving birth to low life pieces of shit like you! OP, its not your fault, dont listen to the assholes telling you it is. They have no lives themselves :)

Whiterabbitm1 0

don't sweat it man I have bipolar disorder #2... I know it is hard not to think of it but believe me once you get through this you will be ok. Trust me for someone to have done that means they had their own demons but if they helped you while you were seeing them it just means that you were very important to them. you'll make it like I said just be positive.

youngwife 2

Well That has nothing to do with you.. That is the highest rating job for suicides.

wethequeens123 1

how is this an fml for you it shuld b for tht dude and his fam

Inuyasha1770 0

that really doesn't make sense perhaps he did it from a medication like the ones that say may cause suicidal thoughts or actions, because I mean a psychologist you think could use that psychology on himself if he was feeling that way