By Deety - 18/01/2017 08:11

Today, my psychologist broke up with me, professionally. It's alright though, she told me it's her, not me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 132
You deserved it 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cheshireau 26

I've had that happen. After my third session and get comfortable with talking to her and she up and leaves the business and the poor receptionist has to ring and tell everyone.


cheshireau 26

I've had that happen. After my third session and get comfortable with talking to her and she up and leaves the business and the poor receptionist has to ring and tell everyone.

Deety 4

<p>OP here, unfortunately it was just me. not her whole practice.</p>

cheshireau 26

Damn, that's a difficult situation to put you in. Maybe the practice has another psychologist better qualified for your needs? I do hope you find somebody that stays with you. Best of luck.

jcash52426 5

Your Psychologist is a person also maybe something happen to her personal or business life. I know it sucks especially when your getting close to him/her.

vvvani 1

<p>Sometimes that's in everybody's best interest, though. It's a psychologist's job to&nbsp;refer&nbsp;you to someone else who can help you better, if they realise&nbsp;they aren't the best fit for you. I hope that is what happened and they did it with the proper professionality and care, because giving the client the impression that they're abondoning them&nbsp;should definitely be avoided.</p>

<p>That happened to me once. My shit was too evocative or something. I don't blame him. I got better and he would have failed me in some way.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

<p>I've been released from several specialty clinics for having a general health record that's "too complicated" for them to treat me, so I can understand how bad that feels, especially if they don't refer you to someone. Or at least suggest where to go from there. Even then, hearing some variant of, "I can't/won't help you, move along," from someone that you already had to find on your own is never pleasant.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hope you find a good doctor soon, OP.</p>


<p>Psychologists are crap anyway- would you go to a mechanic and expect them to ask you what you think is wrong with the car?</p>

<p>Of course not. &nbsp;However, I would expect a mechanic&nbsp;to examine the car and listen to it. &nbsp;You know, like a psychologist would examine the patient and listen to them. It's a bit tough to see mental illness, you know. &nbsp;Can't just pop up the hood and look inside. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Maybe she finds herself developing feelings for you.

Do you happen to be a gaming addict by the name of Codex?