By drakx88 - 06/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, it was my final meeting with my psychologist who was helping me with my bipolar disorder. I just found out that he committed suicide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 036
You deserved it 6 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible... whoever said you deserved that one is an asshole.

Sometimes the people best at helping others, cannot help themselves. I've known MANY people who had good, solid relationship advice...and had the worst relationships. They couldn't do for themselves, but they help/ed a lot of people. I would also suggest learning from his last lesson; as bad as you feel about him doing this...your family & friends would go through that but a million times *worse* if you had taken your own life. Pretty awful stuff. :(


mansen 15

I hope you are doing ok after that shock. Some psychologists just kinda switch off after awhile in the profession. I am bi-polar and have borderline personality disorder and almost died due to such a psychiatrist that simply had turned himself off and no longer cared about his patients, probably to numb himself out. Find a new psychologist you trust and continue with treatments, it's a battle, but one worth fighting.

theflyingmouth 0

Bi-polar syndrome isn't a disease, it's an excuse.

you're an ignorant fool... its a chemical discompensation you asshole.. learn about stuff before you try talking about them...

People like you and other people commenting on this with shitty remarks toward this person make me sick. Keep your uneducated bullshit opinions to yourself. It's people like you that make it difficult to cope with these problems for people in everyday life because you have some ******* pathetic idea about something you have never even bothered to try and understand. You disgust me.

Oh and chin up! Your psychologist was trying to help people. Unfortunately sometimes the people that try to help us forget that they can't do it all by themselves either. Everyone needs a support network so don't give up on people. Just don't lose sight of what's important like your doctor did. Hopefully the next one realises they need to take care of themselves in order to help others.

Mikkiluv16 0

That's ironic. but I'm really sorry that happened.

I bet her little feelings couldn't handle that, and therefore, she blamed herself for his death and blah blah. Bi-polar = fake