By bubblegum92 - 29/06/2013 08:02 - Australia - Perth

Today, It was my fiancé's 21st birthday party. It ended with him too drunk to walk and wailing about how much he misses an ex girlfriend of his that he dumped 4 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 250
You deserved it 5 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts. Just move on...


That actually doesn't mean he still loves her. There could be something she gave him, and he liked, that you aren't giving to him. Just find out how his relationship with her was.

srt1087 6

If he does actually have feelings for an ex, talk to him about it. My first girlfriend was the first serious relationship I had and we loved each other a lot but we just weren't compatible enough so I let her go. I will always love her in a way and she will hold a special place in my heart but it doesn't mean I still want to be with her. I broke up with her for a reason. So talk with your fiance to figure out if his feelings are similar to that before dumping him. Good luck.

I was engaged at 21 and married at 22, and it was the right time for me. Keep in mind everyone's different! What works for some doesn't for others. I'd rather be married now than be in my 30s scrambling to find a partner !

You picked yourself a winner there, haven't you?

I'm not going to say dump him, but at least call off the engagement until this can be sorted out (whether what he said is true, what to do, etc).

OP, your BF will have two ex-girlfriends to wail and weep about at his 22nd birthday!! Dump his sorry alcoholic arse or you're going to be hearing about the ex for the rest of his life every time this clumpknocker gets drunk, which will be often!!!!!

B1ackthesun 31

Why is he an 'alcoholic' who is going to get drunk 'often' just because he got drunk on his 21st birthday? It is a special occasion and a lot of people get drunk on their 21st birthday. Sorry but I fail to see your logic.

MzZombicidal 36

I am 21 and I am engaged. My fiancé and I have been together for 5 years and the wedding isn't for another 3 years. Although in some cases it might be better to wait until you are older, but if you know what's right and you love each other then age isn't as big as you make it.

I thought that i was happy with my ex when i was 21. Now i'm 25, dumped my ex and am the happiest person ever in other relationship, finally really in love ;) takes time sometimes

So, he dumped her when he was 17? I highly doubt he's revealing his "true feelings". He's just completely, utterly wasted. Which given the circumstances (21st b-day) is totally understandable.