By dunnough - 14/01/2009 11:06 - United States

Today, I went to the bagel shop down the street for breakfast, the same one I've been going to for over 6 months now. At the counter the same lil' cook guy who's served me over those same 6 months, looks at me and says, "Yes, Ms?". I'm a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 650
You deserved it 2 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lil' cook guy? That's a really weird thing to say

mmplayer 0

it's because you go to the bagel shop everyday and now, you have man boobs.


mmplayer 0

it's because you go to the bagel shop everyday and now, you have man boobs.

goodtimesx2 0
kirbz 0

u deserve it for being fat and him thinking their boobs XD

well if you don't like people calling you don't look like it

dangletsbang21 0

that's deffinetly not as bad as being called a boy if your a girl, but yeah you should probably get a haircut :)

Chocolate_Chunk 2