By bubblegum92 - 29/06/2013 08:02 - Australia - Perth

Today, It was my fiancé's 21st birthday party. It ended with him too drunk to walk and wailing about how much he misses an ex girlfriend of his that he dumped 4 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 250
You deserved it 5 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts. Just move on...


Time to have a serious talk when he's sober. Ask him his true feelings and that he must be honest so he doesn't waste time for either if you.

That's not too bad! On my husband's 21st, he threw up all over me, and then punched me in the face when I tried to hold him over the toilet because I was "choking him" :P

21?? You're too young and naive to be getting married.

squideth 18

Oh aren't you special with your fancy opinion based on nothing whatsoever. Good for you! Yay for your stupid opinion!

The truth always comes out When drunk..,,but he could always just be phased

21 and engaged? No wonder something like that happened. Speaking as a 22 year old no way in hell is anyone my age ready for marriage. Maybe to marry who you've with at that age one day but not when you're 21. No wonder your fiance did that, just seems like he's compensating for losing that relationship by proposing to you...trying too hard to not make the same mistake twice he's making a new one. I hope your relationship works out, and I hope that in the end you are happy but in this case... YDI

MzZombicidal 36

Yes, because everyone else your age grew up EXACTLY the same way as you. In some cases, young marriages work out! It's a personal choice, that doesn't affect you in any way, and can truly turn into something amazing. Besides, it's not like OP did anything other than love the guy, how does she deserve it?

what a douche, you deserve better than that. I wish you well.

ninety 25

You said he dumped her, so there was probably something significant enough about her that wasn't working for him. It's possible that she just had a quality he misses that nobody else he's dated since has had. I don't say dump him right off the bat, but agree with the previously stated, have a nice chat with him after his hangover has passed and use some tact when you raise the subject.

It's hard to believe that over 2000 people accidentally hit the you deserved it button, must be a problem with the app.

wehkid 4

I think he's still too young and immature. He has hang-ups and doesn't know what he really wants in life. Don't get married just yet with him. He's not ready. Sorry.