Bachelor party

By Anonymous - 07/02/2020 18:00

Today, I had to cancel my wedding because my fiancé is so hungover from his bachelor party, he's throwing up all over the place, can't stand up straight and is calling me by the stripper's name he met yesterday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 221
You deserved it 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to the club, find the stripper, give her your engagement ring and say "you can have him" and then leave all that clown show in a cloud of dust!

Mungolikecandy 19

Why would he have a stag night the night before the wedding?


Go to the club, find the stripper, give her your engagement ring and say "you can have him" and then leave all that clown show in a cloud of dust!

Mungolikecandy 19

Why would he have a stag night the night before the wedding?

This is definitely a repost. I remember reading the original

Pixiefingers83 3

You should have shoved some anti-nausea tablets down his throat and forced him to marry you...and be pleasant, smile, dance and socialise with punishment.

I thought we’ve established they were reposting, mostly due to the lack of decent submissions. If no name/info is on it, it’s a repost for sure. Do they have to be pointed out every time? Not everyone has been on here that long and it’s new to them. Want new ones? Start sharing your embarrassing moments.

This is why you dont do Batchelor or Bachelorette partys the night before the wedding..

J15237 25

Are you still going to marry him later?