By thissucks - 21/02/2011 22:20 - United States

Today, it's my mom's birthday. I woke up at midnight to be the first to tell her happy birthday. When I awoke in the morning, I decided to bake her a cake. Little did I know my whole family was going out to lunch to celebrate. I wasn't invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 555
You deserved it 3 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnprecendentedAw 0

Sorry to break it to you but your family hates you.


you woke up at midnight and wished her and she still didnt think of inviting u to her birthday dinner. wow

That's what happens when you sleep 'till lunch, you miss stuff.

you should have your own party invite know one and have alot of fun

lexi365 20

Sorry but you remind me of Meg Griffin.