By thissucks - 21/02/2011 22:20 - United States

Today, it's my mom's birthday. I woke up at midnight to be the first to tell her happy birthday. When I awoke in the morning, I decided to bake her a cake. Little did I know my whole family was going out to lunch to celebrate. I wasn't invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 555
You deserved it 3 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnprecendentedAw 0

Sorry to break it to you but your family hates you.


Meaningless 1
BabyLuis 0

maybe u werent invited cuz u were sleeping

qcumberlovar 2

haha well damn that's harsh...maybe they have a good reason..

That's the reason why you never wake a bitch up when she is finally sleeping