By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 20:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were planning how to spend the day together. When I suggested we start off with some fun in bed, then get some pizza and play his favorite video game, he sighed, "Can't we just go straight to gaming?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 031
You deserved it 8 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surprised he would want to skip the Pizza part.

But you can't play a game until you turn it (or her) on.


But you can't play a game until you turn it (or her) on.

wlddog 14

Someone tell the world, a man wanted to skip sex for once! I give him props for gaming with his girlfriend.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#13- Can't tell if you're joking or not, but just in case you're not, not all guys are horndogs constantly. It's not that big of a deal for a guy to turn down sex. Just like some women have very high sex drives, some men aren't constantly craving it. If you were jokingly saying that, my apologies; this comment then goes to anyone who actually believes that all men want sex 24/7. ;)

but how can you turn down sex in thise case, sex and pizza after And game with your girlfriend.. it just seems unrealistic

Heh my husband tells me "not tonight honey I have a headache"

Heh my husband tells me "not tonight honey I have a headache"

wlddog 14

Yes... It was sarcasm. I have been married over 10 years. I could go months, and have more times than I fear to count.

Jelbeztok 17

your picture is perfect with your comment.

i agree, all men do not want sex 100% of the time. and they are very much allowed, especially with as much as we turn them down. is it very much possible for a man to get sick of sex. they DON'T All AND Always go up, Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone or Anything. and us women do NOT have to freak out, and think..., actually, over think, that it's us, or we're unattractive, or they're cheating or any of the 100 reasons we find to blame ourselves, and then get mad at them for "making us blame ourselves" or whatever reason it is we find to blame them for "making us feel this way," when most of the time, it's us over thinking, reacting, and over doing it all...cause we're just all crazy and there's no point in even denying it, we know it, they know it, the transexuals know it, even the hemaphrodites know it. and it's not just us, all the things that know we're crazy is only because it takes one to know one... heh hehe we're all ******* crazy, humans, lions, tigers and bears :) no shame in hiding it.

#117 mmmm a food massage. This sounds delicious. Will it make my food taste better?

No, what happens is that one hires a masseuse from the Swiss alps, who then comes down to your house and gently kneads flour over your food, no matter what it is. While he/she's kneading the flour, the proper way to engage in the massage is to question the masseuse about Lisa, to which the masseuse will say he/she never met a Lisa. You must keep pressing them until they answer. Once they do, immediately neck-chop the masseuse, who will appear to be unconscious. Pretend to eat the food, but right when you're about to bite, turn around and throw the food, which will hit the actually conscious and standing behind you with a tuna can masseuse. The masseuse will then vanish, leaving a plate with your food on the floor where they were seconds ago. You'll notice the food is glittery. That is normal. Wait a few minutes till it looks normal again, and enjoy, the food massage is now over. That, is what a food massage is.

wlddog 14

I applaud your overly active imagination 178. It feels like I was on a journey through alice and wonderland, and at any minute that crazy white rabbit was gonna appear.

Why thank you kind sir, I do my best to provide FML commenters with only the best overly imaginative scenarios.

Surprised he would want to skip the Pizza part.

I've tried role playing as a prefect, but there are way too many rules when posing as a high ranking official. No wonder OP's boyfriend wants to skip to gaming if that were the case.

Exactly! Food is amazing! *drool* o.o

BlueFlatts 20

Don't worry, we're not all prefects.

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If I'm buying a ball I normally go to sporting-goods stores. Anyway, what's wrong with wanting to play the vidya games instead of bang your girlfriend? Maybe the guy wanted a break.

No no no sounds like this man has his priorities in order.

He passed up an offer for sex? And pizza? He sure is a committed gamer!

rg350dx 29

or black ops 2...the story of my boyfriend's life...

i dont know what did her boyfriend thinking.

Corrupt_waffles 13

As a gamer I would still have sex before I chose the game. Even if I had just bought a brand new game that I had been waiting forever to get. It will still be there to play in an hour. Plus then the other has less energy to scream in your ear if you do something wrong and you are realxed. Win win.

To be fair to the OP's boyfriend, some pretty awesome games have been released in the past month. :D

baconzzzz 5

#64 Maybe you wouldn't pass up sex cuz you're a girl? I know when my bf gets a new game I pretty much just get denied sex if he wants to play.

Goodness OP! wanting to have sex instead of gaming?? what's wrong with you?

Op marry me please? I swear I will never pass up pizza.

you must really not be good in bed if he'd rather play videogames.

The thought of sex with her ruined his appetite and wanted to play games to get his mind off it? :P

I can't find a problem with49's argument lol

Play the game first and bet him sex for winning!