By Anonymous - 09/01/2011 18:47 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to my friend why it's inappropriate to conduct a phone conversation while simultaneously eating a bagel, listening to music, and taking a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 941
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That IS inappropriate! He could also be composing an opera, checking his stocks, clipping his toenails, and masturbating at the same time! What a colossal waste of time.

Why's that so bad? I do it all the time. It's called multi-tasking.


PuppiesFTW 5

Yeah and tell her it's more appropriate if she takes a shower while blow drying her hair. :O. Let her do whatever she wants..... I dont see the problem with her doing that (It's her privacy).... unless she is doing it in front of people then yes, it's inappropriate . :P

bigphill1333 0

Not really eeew I've done that before all you do is mute the phone when it gets rough.

I wish OP could call me and explain what's wrong with it cause I don't understand

Me_iz_a_Bboy 0
bananahannahjo 0
tktom7 6

so wait, he was eating a bagel and taking a shit at the same time?

Ninjafriends 1

So wait, isn't that explained by that funny word "simultaneously"?

InnocentLies 0
jessi_ld 2

the problem is why would you eat and shot at the same time! bet they dont know that when you flush the toilet water splashes everywhere outside of the toilet as well!

Just because you don't like to talk on the phone while ******** doesn't mean your friend shouldn't. Now stfu

shortystar_fml 0

althought eating while u r taking a shit is kinda gross

I have a question, do any of you like listening to people "take a shit?" If not, you now see what's wrong with the friend's actions.

Why's that so bad? I do it all the time. It's called multi-tasking.

Multitasking is fine when you're doing things that need little attention or don't cause disturbance. Listening to music while having a conversation is just rude, taking a dump while having a conversation is just gross.

Ninjafriends 1

Not to mention eating while ********. That's simply vile.

I converse while eating and listening to music all the time. I also listen to music and shit all the time. I occasionally eat while ******** and very occasionally talk on the phone while ********. I don't really see a problem here.

I agree this sounds like something I would do so it's not an FML in my eyes

ViolentBears 0

Maybe it was the grunting and the sound of his shit hitting the water?

Twisted107 4

so yes that business report will be done on agh kerplunk "water splashes" on time

MarineWifey88 3

Haven't you ever heard of multitasking? If you don't like it, hang up and call your friend back later. Its not like your friend is making you watch.

kaylaraeh 0

If you don't like that OP doesn't agree with it, then why are you commenting in the first place?

That IS inappropriate! He could also be composing an opera, checking his stocks, clipping his toenails, and masturbating at the same time! What a colossal waste of time.

Masterbating while ********? You are completely messed up, Doc. What the hell are you smoking?

OP never stated if it's a male or female friend...

Now THAT is what I call multi-tasking! xD

it's not multitasking, it's recycling

PuppiesFTW 5

why was my comment moderated? i did not say anything bad..... god damn it!

It was moderated because you replied to #1 without your comment being related to it. That makes you an attention *****, and attention ****** deserve to get banned.