By real life problems - 27/08/2018 23:11

Today, at the gas station, a stranger screamed at me, pushed me, and slapped my bag of chips to the ground. After he stomped them, he explained why he did it. It was because I opened the bag upside down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 765
You deserved it 857

real life problems tells us more.

OP here. So just to give some more information.. I open bags of chips upside down on purpose because I know it bothers people, ( it bothers my ocd too but it's funny ). The guy that slapped my chips down was actually a friend of a friend that I didnt recognize. My friend was inside laughing his ass off.. From the looks on peoples faces, they were horrified which is what made it even funnier. Btw yes I got some new chips ( which I also opened upside down ) and we even cleaned up our mess. For those of you wondering - flaming hot cheetos.

Top comments

You both committed cardinal sins in regards to chips. You never open the bag upside down, and you certainly don't stomp them into dust. I don't think I could be friends with either of you.

Tonight, on a very special episode of OCD Extreme..


You both committed cardinal sins in regards to chips. You never open the bag upside down, and you certainly don't stomp them into dust. I don't think I could be friends with either of you.

Tonight, on a very special episode of OCD Extreme..

Well, we saw what you’re made of when the chips are down.

I hope you made him buy you another bag and then opened it upside down again in front of him.

Wow and that's when you kick them in the crotch then say sorry gravity doesn't apply to my foot like logic doesn't apply to your brain 🤣🤣

And then his mommy pulled him away and led him into the store.

WHAT? Holy crap. What kind of deranged son of a bitch opens the bottom of the chip bag?

I do... It redistributes the salt and crumbs!

Mr_Mole 24

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This episode, your parents never hugged or loved you

OP here. So just to give some more information.. I open bags of chips upside down on purpose because I know it bothers people, ( it bothers my ocd too but it's funny ). The guy that slapped my chips down was actually a friend of a friend that I didnt recognize. My friend was inside laughing his ass off.. From the looks on peoples faces, they were horrified which is what made it even funnier. Btw yes I got some new chips ( which I also opened upside down ) and we even cleaned up our mess. For those of you wondering - flaming hot cheetos.

I think it’s more weird that you call Cheetos chips.

PenguinPal3017 19

Flaming hot cheetos are amazing. After loving them for years I learned that the janitor at the factory invented them and got a huge promotion. Such a great story behind a great product.