Superficial chud

By Saggy - 20/03/2023 04:00

Today, I was ready to get intimate with my husband 7 months after giving birth to our son. He always made excuses as to why he couldn’t. Our marriage was on the rocks because of this, so when I sat him down to talk he admitted that to save this marriage I need to get a “tummy tuck” and a “breast lift.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 079
You deserved it 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

n3rdn3ss 8

And he needs a swift kick in the ass or head. He's being way too superficial, let's see how he does giving birth and nursing a kid. Pfft.

The choice is up to you, but if I were you, I would seriously consider leaving him. What does he bring to this relationship? Does it weigh up to the sheer lack of respect and common sense he’s showing off?


n3rdn3ss 8

And he needs a swift kick in the ass or head. He's being way too superficial, let's see how he does giving birth and nursing a kid. Pfft.

Try exercising together. Apparently it can lead to more physical intimacy in couples that are lacking. Exercising even before it's had any real effects physically can stimulate you mentally helping you feel more confident because you've done something good for your body. I'm guessing if you need a tummy tuck he does too which means it'll be good for him mentally also. Also that was way rude of him and that's definitely not the only way to fix the relationship. In fact long-term I'm sure that would not fix the relationship. This is real life he and you will both get old and ugly and if you don't learn to get past that you're going to be unhappy.

The choice is up to you, but if I were you, I would seriously consider leaving him. What does he bring to this relationship? Does it weigh up to the sheer lack of respect and common sense he’s showing off?

Pink_Turnips 14

marriage really means nothing to people huh? superficial as it may be marriage takes work on both ends. 7 months is more than enough time to start getting back in shape.

If it meant anything to him, he wouldn't have said "to save this marriage".... No one has to put up with psychological abuse...because guess what, it doesn't stop. Next, it'll be "I don't like your bust size, get implants.

Leaving with a baby who is not even one year old is not easy. That's the time you need your partner's support the most. Marriage consoling sounds like a better first option.

TomeDr 24

To save your marriage (if you even want to after that stupid sentence), you’ll need marriage counseling.

I don't know why people don't think about these things before they have kids. They destroy your body, obviously.

@Amanda Marie Nehez - Wow, I'm sure your mother will feel so validated having you, knowing that's how you feel.

This marriage wouldn't be worth saving for me because I don't want to be with somebody who can only love me if I meet his physical appearance expectations. It's up to you if you feel differently.

Yeah, we'd be done......He can kick rocks

Divorce him now. Secure child support.

Does he have a 6 pack and look like a model?

Chiefanatic 2

Wow! The mother of his child and he acts like that!? Saying that is unforgivable! What did he give you for Christmas a gym membership? Or maybe a Peloton? I’m a guy & that is a total dick move. I’m guessing he looks like a GQ model/Adonis right? He is way out of line. If that’s how he feels, you’ll be better without him in my opinion.