By nrelavender - 26/05/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, is the anniversary of my cat's death, so I went to visit her grave in the pet cemetery. Someone had spray-painted "Your cat sucks" on her grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 087
You deserved it 11 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when your cat rises out of that pet cemetery and goes after them, they'll be sorry


I don't mean to laugh but this fml kind of caught me off guard... Fyl for some jerk writing on your probably expensive cat tombstone and insulting the cat and you. But wtf? Who does that? Who goes to a pet cemetery and writes that? People are so weird.. Sorry op, hope you were able to get it clean.

Wait untill he dies then write on his give

higgy6969 7

My IPhone auto corrected the word grave for some reason, I didn't do that.

LOOOL, im sorry. but thats kinda funny. xD

OnlyAFeckWanker 0

Are you serious? Why would someone waste money on burying their pet in a cemetary. Just bury it in the backgarden.

monnanon 13

I do agree with you in part but if you move house are you going to dig up bones and take them with you, at least if it is in a pet cemetery then you know where the remains are and that some new owner isn't going to dig it up by accident and throw it away. Plus having been in a new house where we dug up the skeleton of a dog in the backyard I think I would rather it was in a cemetery.

OnlyAFeckWanker 0

yeah, but it really is a waste of money. So maybe a field then. Another thing that pisses me off about this FML is the fact that it's an annoversary of the cat's death. When I first read it, I thought it was gonna be about OP being lonely or something.

monnanon 13

You cant just bury remains anywhere. A patch of woodland is probably your best bet but if people have the money and want to do it then i don't see why not.

monnanon 13

As for the anniversary maybe she just wanted to do something nice for a beloved pet. Cats can live 20 years or more in some cases, thats a very long time and not something you forget in a year. I would do the same thin, i wouldnt go with flowers but i would go to the spot.

OnlyAFeckWanker 0

Just incase anyone thinks I'm an animal hater, I too own a cat. But when she dies, I'm not going to spend money on putting her in a cemetery. They're only animals at the end of the day. I think money wasted on animal cemeteries could be spent on better things like helping those people in Libya, Syria, etc.

maybe they have a rental property they cannot bury a pet on? or maybe they care about their pet and want it to have a peaceful replace like any other loved one deserves. some people really care about animals and would rather not just throw their body away.

OnlyAFeckWanker 0

Ah here, it's an animal for christ's sake. People's priorities are so ****** up nowadays. Since when is an animal a loved one?

While I may not understand the purpose of paying for a grave in a pet cemetery... that still doesn't excuse what happened. That's still distasteful and disrespectful.