Family ties

By Milly - 29/03/2021 22:01 - United Kingdom

Today, I disconnected and hid the WiFi router and told my kids and husband I wanted an hour together doing family stuff. I failed miserably. Rather than spend an hour together, they spent nearly 2 hours separately tearing the house apart for the router. Now the house is a mess and I’m still lonely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 237
You deserved it 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know you want to spend time with them, but you have to realize that unless they’re doing it WILLINGLY, they're not going to be happy. Try rewarding them (with their favorite food, dessert, etc) for wanting to spend time together instead of a “punishing” them (turning off the router, taking their phones, etc).

You united them to work together for a common purpose! Mission accomplished!


I know you want to spend time with them, but you have to realize that unless they’re doing it WILLINGLY, they're not going to be happy. Try rewarding them (with their favorite food, dessert, etc) for wanting to spend time together instead of a “punishing” them (turning off the router, taking their phones, etc).

2deployments1divorce 11

Good job hiding the router.

Why not plan something? This wasn't a good idea. As soon as they started looking for the router you should have given up. At least you're not going to be bored cleaning the house

You united them to work together for a common purpose! Mission accomplished!

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain

Next time change the password. Then plan an activity with a puzzle or clues that will lead to the answer.

tounces7 27

Honestly you failed miserably because of your obvious lack of knowledge about technology. If you'd understood things well enough you'd have just disconnected in a subtle way so that "service appears to be out". Then they wouldn't have looked for it, they'd have just had to wait till it came back on.

randybryant799 20

Geez. Did you really think that forcing it was the way to go? Not good parenting.