
By Secret girl - 06/11/2021 10:01 - Korea, Republic of - Seoul

Today, it was insinuated that my only other female co-worker is seeing the guy I'm seeing. He bashes her all the time to me, too. Now, I wonder what he says about me, to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 006
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Not many people get a chance to take revenge like in the movies! Hit this girl up and plan something fun!

I'm sure he bashes you when he's banging her. He's got a nice little bang-and-bash loop set up for himself at work.


Nikki 17

Not many people get a chance to take revenge like in the movies! Hit this girl up and plan something fun!

I'm sure he bashes you when he's banging her. He's got a nice little bang-and-bash loop set up for himself at work.

And1 12

Drop it like it’s hot (in Snoop Dogg’s voice)!!

Hmm. This is a perfect opportunity to ask him what he thinks of her. While covertly recording him. Then find out whether he really is seeing her, and if so, play her the recording. She deserves to know, too.

That will backfire. All she will hear is that he's thinking of her even when he's with the OP. That'll make her hotter for him.

Becca198915 2

Funny thing is most ppl don’t have what it takes to ask another woman … learned the hard way and ppl always be saying I can’t believe you asked I wish I would have when my husband/boyfriend was doing that! Ma’am I had nothing to be ashamed of you did and he did thank you next 🥰