By nrelavender - 26/05/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, is the anniversary of my cat's death, so I went to visit her grave in the pet cemetery. Someone had spray-painted "Your cat sucks" on her grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 087
You deserved it 11 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when your cat rises out of that pet cemetery and goes after them, they'll be sorry


that's why you put them in an old sack and bury them in your back yard!

Op could live in apartment or knew they'd probably move at some point.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

That's horrible. I would take DNA and fingerprints, find that little bitch, and beat his face in. Whether you like animals, cats, dogs, or not, the very idea of walking into a cemetery of any kind and vandalizing it is nothing short of ******* heartless. Someone loved that animal like it was a family member, and your opinion of whether that's stupid or not is irrelevant.

this isn't CSI man, plus I doubt you'd find any trace of DNA or prints(maybe a foot print) of the actual person. if you do it'd probably be that of others with pets there. and to me it is a little much to have a pet buried in a cemetery, I had a dog from the day I was born till I was 17 and we just buried her in the back yard.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Your personal opinions do not apply to everyone. And I was joking about the DNA.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

PS, it's a pet cemetery OP had the cat buried in, not a regular human boneyard. They do exist.

And your personal opinions DO apply to everyone?

a_nutritionist 10

@275 they do when it comes to actions directly affecting others. live and let live obviously doesnt have any meaning to you, and if you honestly cannot see why its bullshit to vandalise something that has a real meaning to someone you dont even know, then i hope you lose everything you own because apparently you dont think its a big deal.

Agreed. While it's not likely that OP will find the culprit, that **** who did that will get what he deserves. I can't even believe that someone would do that. Defacing a grave of any kind is extremely disrespectful whether the King of England or a pet rat is buried in it. I literally almost cried when I read this. I'm so sorry OP, no one deserves that. Just know that if your kitty were here today, she would claw the shit out of that mofo.

uhh.. what you just said "dosnt sound retarded at all". by the way it's "cemetary" not "semetary" silly mainlander.

Shouldn't it be "Your mom should have aborted you?"

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Fail. He was referencing the movie. Don't call people stupid if you're clueless. And it's spelled 'Sematary'.

Time2spare 0

Sorry to hear that OP. If it's any help just know karma is a bitch so whoever did that probably gonna have something bad happen to them soon. And then there gonna post what happened to them on this site.

kg163401 0

At least they didn't write "your cat is cool." Lying is way worse

mrwelsh3 0

vasilisa you failed for trying to make them look dumb for their misspelling of the word only to mispell it your self. fail!