By Anonymous - 26/08/2015 07:45 - India - Kolkata

Today, is my five year anniversary. My boyfriend said he was gonna get me something shiny this year. I thought he was gonna propose. He got me a set of sparkle glue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 680
You deserved it 3 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Since it seems to be only YOUR anniversary, why didn't you buy something on your own? Less disappointment that way.

You don't get how relationships and anniversaries work do you?

Actually, I do. But whenever we celebrate Our anniversary, we're buying/making something for each other. I'd never expect to get a gift, be annoyed about it & give nothing back in return, even if it's just a smile. Or a BJ.

It never said op didn't give him anything. And though it was a disappointment, considering its their boyfriend, op probably finds humor in it.

If the OP had mentioned what they had gotten for their boyfriend people would have jumped on her for comparing the two gifts even if that wasn't what she was doing. Plus the FML itself is more about the boyfriend going out of his way to peak her interest and get her hopes up about her gift by telling her he was getting her "something shiny" and then having that something be sparkle glue. Glue in general is not a great gift unless the person asked for glue or you've accompanied it by some really meaningful explanation such as wanting to "stay glued to you forever" or the like.

im_a_black_guy 10

I wish more people thought like you

It's shiny. It's just not the shiny thing you had in mind. There's plenty of time, you could even propose to him! :)

Yeah, it's the 21st century, after all! If you're tired of waiting, propose to him, instead! #DownWithGenderConformity #NoNotReally #HashtagsForHumour #AreYouAnnoyedYet #HashtagLivesDontMatter

Plot twist: OP supplements her income by selling crafts at the local market.

It sounds like he said that to make you think he's proposing. That's just cruel.

Is he being serious? How old does he think you are, eight?

Make him a ring using the glue and some paper and propose to him?

lesalmi 5

If and when the timing is right it will happen. Friend of mine just got engaged after 15 years of being together

Ydi for saying my. There is no my in relationship!

wendiethepooh 3

What if he knows you're going to think that and then got you that to divert you from taking him seriously when it actually happens?