Ivory pissed, too

By Anonymous - 25/10/2019 00:01

Today, it was my 14-year anniversary. I'd spent weeks picking out a new gold wedding band for my husband. What did he get me? Nothing. Not even a happy anniversary text. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 731
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People upgrade wedding rings, hon. It's actually pretty common. Plus we don't know if he even had a wedding ring to begin with.

I mean, I just have a silicone band because when my wife and I got married, we couldn't afford it. So..maybe his fingers grew and she wanted to give him a new one? Or maybe special engraving, etc


Why would you get him a wedding band? He's already married! To you, no less!

People upgrade wedding rings, hon. It's actually pretty common. Plus we don't know if he even had a wedding ring to begin with.

@mip_92: People more often upgrade spouses. @mekiswrite: Neither do marriages.

I mean, I just have a silicone band because when my wife and I got married, we couldn't afford it. So..maybe his fingers grew and she wanted to give him a new one? Or maybe special engraving, etc

bl3ur0z3 17

My marriage has outlasted our rings and we intend to upgrade with commemorative rings next year on our 10th anniversary.

Maybe he just want to give you some good sex instead of buying you something. Or he has something planned for a different day because he busy with work.

EmDizzle2007 28

even if he was busy with work it's not hard to say happy anniversary at some point during the 24 hours

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

he's spent the last 14 yrs with you, I'd say thats the biggest present i mean who knew marriage could last that long

bl3ur0z3 17

Thanks for the reminder! My anniversary is tomorrow and we've already celebrated since our odds of running into each other tomorrow are slim. I should probably schedule a happy anniversary text now for him to wake up to.

westoz 24

Come on you can’t be surprised. Men never remember that stuff. Doesn’t mean they don’t care they’re just...men

gonna have to give you and probably the men you know a yikes on that one

E2dav 5

I'm sure he didnt mean to hurt you as men do tend to forget anniversaries ( & birthdays etc.). Just tell him you'd like to celebrate it and plan something together

"hey google (Siri or Alexa), remind me about my anniversary every year"

E2dav 5

dude ppl may as well. will save many cold shoulders and hurt feelings....and sexless anniversaries

He now owes you a night out that you plan and he pays for. OR You now have a "I ****** up but am calling in my marker," Marker. your choice. Either way, you need to remind him about 2 weeks out next year, and don't be vague, or Hint, flat out state "BTW, Our anniversary is on ..."