By Anonymous - 26/08/2015 07:45 - India - Kolkata

Today, is my five year anniversary. My boyfriend said he was gonna get me something shiny this year. I thought he was gonna propose. He got me a set of sparkle glue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 680
You deserved it 3 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Time for a little conversation. Real communication is what you two need to have. Tell him where you think the relationship is going and ask him where he thinks it is going. If you two are not even close to the same.....well then move on.

May be he's gonna glue a ring using that

Kale2002 6

perhaps its time to rethink your relationship decisions,the boy seems to have the mind of a 5 yr old.

Don't feel to bad OP, at least he has a sense of humor!

It's not funny to deliberately get her hopes up and then disappoint her. His "humor" shouldn't come at the expense of her feelings.

Maybe he put the ring in the sparkle glue?

Pinto_2015 9

Ask him if he can figure out what you are going to glue shut with it...