By too tight - 15/02/2012 11:26 - United States

Today, in a rush to get ready, I put on some "sexy" panties that I bought years ago. By the second hour of work, they were so tight and uncomfortable, I had to cut slits up the sides to avoid cutting off the circulation to my legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 289
You deserved it 14 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The "sexy panties" aren't meant to be worn for that length of time. They are designed to be left in a crumpled heap on the bedroom floor.

zingline89 18

Don't worry, with any luck, the panties will also affect your boyfriend's lower body blood circulation.


Good job captain obvious. I applaud your amazing skills of observation.

what else is the ef em el topic going to be about if her name is too tight...

19-Her budget for more undies possibly. Or, ya know...

This FML would be even better if the OP had been a guy instead of a girl.

The_Troller 14

40- Actually I don't know. Would you mind elaborating, Mr. Dunsparce?

ByronJess 17

71 - What 40 is replying to is most likely the OPs ******. Or hoo-ha Lady parts Taco Whispering eye Privates Nay-nay Pee-pee Special hole. Or whatever you want to call it.

melrose90210 10

Well clearly she made the name specifically to post the FML... It's not some AMAZING coincidence

How do "sexy" panties have enough fabric to cut slits? Are you sure you're doing it right?

I assume OP meant lacy boy short style panties, if you've ever looked in Lasenza or Victoria's Secret you'd notice most lingerie aren't G-strings. Also lol @ everyone that said YDI, must be a) jealous fat chicks, b) idiots who still have their mommy lay out their laundry every day c) jealous unemployed fat chicks

That doesn't even make sense. Why would a fat chick be jealous of some girl's tight undergarments? o___0

Those must have been pretty damn tight if they were cutting off your circulation. Stick with bell bottoms!

She said panties not pants just saying, though picturing bell bottom panties is funny

Then those were pretty damn tight panties lol!

Cut them off and just not ware any for the day. Just saying

I mean you were in a rush so cant blame ya but i hate clothes that cut circulation ;0

Ya know I heard they got them flavored panties now. Ya outta try those haha

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Candy panties have been around for quite a while...

I see ***** wearing those types of pants on purpose!

The "sexy panties" aren't meant to be worn for that length of time. They are designed to be left in a crumpled heap on the bedroom floor.

babeyface 0

Haha I wonder if she has used them before

Redoxx_fml 22

Or just pulled to the side cause you are way too lazy to take em off.

chane1100 6

97- I too am in favor of that.

I second that motion! They may look good but they are made to be ripped off lol

zingline89 18

Don't worry, with any luck, the panties will also affect your boyfriend's lower body blood circulation.

RedPillSucks 31

Her boyfriend wears her panties too? :-)

I bet that's not only thing that's tight

RedPillSucks 31

@24 Considering your username is "instnt1nfction", I don't think anyone wants to find out. Of course, if the missing letter(s) is "le" instead of "e", then I might be interested. But I'm weird like that.

Sounds like a normal pair of panties, uncomfortable and too tight.

drawmesunshine 17

10, I think you're doing it wrong.

logiee_bearr 6

You fail. Panties can be sexy and comfy

If you gotta struggle to put your panties on I think that's a sign to wear a different pair