By woman - 17/11/2012 08:45 - United States - La Crosse

Today, I was singing in the shower, when some suds from my shampoo fell into my mouth and down my throat. I retched and sputtered for about two minutes before finally throwing up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 730
You deserved it 7 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gives new meaning to the word Soap-Opera.

This problem can be easily solved in future: don't sing in the shower.


This problem can be easily solved in future: don't sing in the shower.

perdix 29

Or don't shampoo. You may have to go Sinead O'Connor to save your vocal career.

And your comment has a case of the duds. No offense actually intended I was just hoping to make that rhyme at some point or another!

perdix 29

Another solution: use edible shampoo. Your hair will look like shit, but that won't matter because you'll be wearing a helmet of insects and small, woodland creatures feeding off the bounty of your head.

peanutfoo 19

47- It's one doesn't not simply, not one does simply not

That's avoiding the problem, not solving it.

Whaaaaaat734 6
sarah17xx_fml 10

#40 Your comment gave me a nasty mental image..

54- I don't always correct people using memes "incorrectly", but when I do, I'm also wrong..

aimeesea75 16

Swallowing shampoo will induce vomiting regardless of gender.

OP is clearly a woman. You'd know that if you looked at the FML before commenting.

I guess she doesn't swallow... Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

A man would probably take it the same way.

Gives new meaning to the word Soap-Opera.

thatpeachyperson 12

You just gained all of my respect, kind sir.

BellaBelle_fml 23

It took you until this comment to finally respect Pleonasm's comments?! You must be new…

Inheritance 10

*Reads Pleonasms' comment* *Goes and respects the nature of Soap-Opera.*

You're quickly becoming one of my favourite commenters:')

nelds 12

Yeah the world conspires to shut me up when ever I attempt to sing as well. My singing really sucks.

OP needs to stop dining in the shower. Or at least not when shampooing. Common sense people! Plus, it isn't that hard to not get shampoo in eyes, mouth, or on the face. I haven't for about 10-12 years.

Jordath_Fil 11

Because everyone eats in the shower.

jojimugo 20

Seems your body can't stand your sound. You should quit

perdix 29

Don't blame the shampoo, deep down you realize your singing is just that horrible. You ought to try out for American Idol. I only watch the audition weeks where The Horribles make asses of themselves. I'd like to see if I could endure your vomit-inducing musical stylings.

Trisha_aus 15

Even have a name, "The Horribles" nice

I think the number of viewers American Idol gets drops dramatically after the try outs. That's the only good part of the show in my opinion.

perdix 29

#25, I agree. What amazes me about The Horribles is that no one among their friends and family have told them that they suck at singing.

38 - Whoever names them 'The Horribles' was certainly giving them a hint! :')

Perdix, it amazes me as well that no one has the balls to tell them they don't have a good singing voice. They probably sing drunk karaoke and all the drunks cheer them on. Therefore, making The Horribles feel like they are amazing singers.

Ladylillith 9

I bet people tell them they suck, but they just don't listen.

It's like those lying bastards from johnsons and johnsons with their "no more tears" shampoo

Those shampoos never worked for me either. They caused many, many tears. Almost worse than l'oreal

SpikyG 3

"I retched and sputtered for about two minutes before finally throwing up" You're right, it tasted like an entire cuisine in the OP's mouth.

BellaBelle_fml 23

SpikyG, due to your inane and, most of the time, disrespectful comments, almost every one of your comments that I have seen have been thumbed down. Causing several people to put you in your place. And yet you still have not learned from that? I'm actually beginning to believe that you are simply being a troll. I will be the first to admit that I have had my fair share of negative thumbs and people arguing with me. But, I try to learn from my mistakes and better myself and my comments so I don't come across as a complete moron and/or asshat. I guarantee you that I will still sometimes get negative thumbs. Although, I will continuously do my best to keep learning from them.

Well aren't you just so ******* wonderful? Reading SpikyG's profile, I'm lead to believe that he is either mentally handicapped, extremely uneducated, or speaks English as a second language. Whatever the case, he can't help it, but experience tells me he is most likely not a native English speaker, which would explain why his comments are so terrible. Although, I just have to take your weord on it that he consistently makes bad comments because, unlike you, I don't keep tallies of who makes down voted comments. Although, he has only made 35 comments, which isn't very many. Not a lot of time for him to improve, now is it? In this case, all he did was ask a stupid question, which isn't exactly a federal offense. Now get your panties out of that wad and chill.

SpikyG 3

*Sign, People trying to teach other people on the Internet never goes the way you want it to. I speak English as my second language.

Did I miss when BellaBelle became the FML police and can decide who can or can't comment? If you don't like his comments, thumb him down and move on with your life. No need to write him a novel about how much you think he sucks.

If you tasted shampoo, you should have spat it out! Don't continue singing.