By secretsant4 - 03/11/2017 14:00

Today, at an 8 a.m. spin class, I knelt on the floor to set up my bike. The bike next to me was too close, and while the girl on it was pedaling to warm up, she pedaled down hard onto my heel, breaking my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 902
You deserved it 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, take heel of your surroundings.

manb91uk 22

Sorry to hear that, I guess you’ll be sitting the next few sessions out? Or at least stepping things down a gear?


Next time, take heel of your surroundings.

On the plus side, you have a valid excuse to not do spinning class!

manb91uk 22

Sorry to hear that, I guess you’ll be sitting the next few sessions out? Or at least stepping things down a gear?

why do you have to kneel on the ground to set up your bike? bikes are usually already set up.

I have literally done hundreds of spin classes and not once had to kneel on the ground...

OP was probably adjusting the height of either the seat or handle bars, or otherwise moving parts around to better accommodate their body type. That said, both OP AND the girl that broke their ankle should have been paying better attention. In OP's case, it's not the smartest decision to be in a vulnerable position - like on the ground - and not be aware of potential hazards. In the girl's case, it's either dumb or selfish to not be aware of the area around you, since you could hurt someone. Not to mention it also means that you aren't aware of the positioning of your body, which kind of ***** with a good portion of the reasons to take a class for an exercise routine.