By UkuleleTime - 10/06/2015 05:25 - United States - Garner

Today, I worked in a shoe store. As I was removing the shoes off an older man I felt a squish, and pulled back my hand to see brown and yellow. The man then looked at me and said, "Looks like I missed a spot." Dog crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 186
You deserved it 1 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh my gosh that is so gross, FYL indeed OP :(

mds9986 24

Why do people continue to get so angry over terrible puns?


Llama24 14

What a crappy way to start off the day, I'm sorry OP

mds9986 24

That guy is a turd for not cleaning it up better.

Oh my gosh that is so gross, FYL indeed OP :(

Why do people continue to make these terrible puns?

mds9986 24

Why do people continue to get so angry over terrible puns?

lennon_ 16

It's not that bad OP, way better than human crap right?

Obviously this is why you should always hold shoes by the side when taking them off, especially someone else's shoes.

I'm sorry OP!! That's really disgusting and I hope you didn't have to clean all that up yourself