No Gods, No Masters

By Anonymous - 22/10/2020 14:02 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, it's been 3 weeks of being sick with gastritis and constantly feeling pain and weak. I've been pushing myself to work, and despite doing 150+ files, my boss said it’s not good enough for the company and hinted I might be let go. I got my job during the pandemic and might be losing it after 3 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 128
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just puke on the files and walk out. The 2020 reprise of "Take This Job and Shove It."

mickymoose1 15

Employers are still required to uphold certain laws regarding termination and I'm pretty sure letting someone go due to medical reasons is frowned upon in the eyes of the law. Try finding a lawyer who does a free consultation so you can better prepare for wrongful termination. And remember, if you're not performing because of your medical reasons, your employer needs to know about it so they can accommodate (ideally through a doctor's note for official reasons and make sure you take photo or have evidence of providing this knowledge to your employer).


Just puke on the files and walk out. The 2020 reprise of "Take This Job and Shove It."

mickymoose1 15

Employers are still required to uphold certain laws regarding termination and I'm pretty sure letting someone go due to medical reasons is frowned upon in the eyes of the law. Try finding a lawyer who does a free consultation so you can better prepare for wrongful termination. And remember, if you're not performing because of your medical reasons, your employer needs to know about it so they can accommodate (ideally through a doctor's note for official reasons and make sure you take photo or have evidence of providing this knowledge to your employer).

bl3ur0z3 17

If you're in the US laws are not generally on your side, especially in a right to work state. But check to see if you would be covered under FMLA laws.