By knee pain - 09/12/2013 19:17 - United States

Today, I woke up in my hospital bed after having knee surgery, on the wrong knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 084
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the few times I would actually suggest suing. I have heard stories of people drawing arrows and notes on themselves to ensure the surgeons work on the correct limb.

AngelLovesDerby 10

OMG! I would kill!!!! So sorry to hear OP!!


ASBriere 8

Someone's gonna have a nice bank account real soon. Sorry to hear this sadly it's common. I wish you the best

grgnyce 8

Medical malpractice ... Big time law suit, OP!

Maybe there was something wrong with your other knee too, and they fixed it. :)

Be sure to get a better lawyer than you did a doctor.

I'd be suing the hell out of that hospital.

That is definitely a possible medical malpractice suit and if they can't figure out specifically whose fault it is, everyone you interacted with in the hospital can potentially be held liable.

That doctor needed to get his lefts and rights correct...maybe a malpractice could get the right knee repaired with no fee...

ViviMage 38

I just had surgery on the right side of my face. The surgeon signed the affected side and verified before I even got the IV in. This is the surgeon's fault or someone on that team. I would suggest suing, as they broke a practice I've seen every hospital I've used do: sign and verify and verbal ask which knee. Now of course you need surgery on the actual bad knee and the good knee has to recover.