By knee pain - 09/12/2013 19:17 - United States

Today, I woke up in my hospital bed after having knee surgery, on the wrong knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 084
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the few times I would actually suggest suing. I have heard stories of people drawing arrows and notes on themselves to ensure the surgeons work on the correct limb.

AngelLovesDerby 10

OMG! I would kill!!!! So sorry to hear OP!!


sue them then have free surgery for the right knee

what if the right knee was the wrong knee and already had surgery ?

How does this happen in this supposedly advanced era? That's ridiculous and I'm sorry to hear about that op.

Get yourself an attorney and GET PAID son!

Does anyone else ever read these, then wonder how the hell anyone voted "you deserved it"?

Only thing I can guess is they either pushed the wrong button, or the fact that most dr's make you sign the leg that needs to be operated on.

Since when do most that? I didn't sign mine when I got surgery, neither did my mom or grandpa. And we all had different Doctors. They didn't have a problem finding the right knee. Honestly that's probably what SOME doctors do.

From what I read, there's a law that states that doctors have to make you sign the correct limb to be operated on.

Really 136 who cares? I was answering a question as to why someone might give a YDI on this FML. The fact I said most doctors versus "SOME" is completely irrelevant. However just so we are clear the reason I said it the way I did is because it's the LAW where I live. I know it's not everywhere though.

Jeez, 155, what's your problem? 136 just made a comment, no need to be pissy about it.

Hope you heal up quickly op. Surgery is scary enough without this happening. I have a muscle and nerve biopsy coming up early next year. We are opting to go in on my left leg since the nerve biopsy can leave numbness. My left leg goes numb a lot anyway. I am so scared it will get screwed up. While screw ups happen in every field, I do hope that they work on compensating you for the cost, time and risk of having to go through a second surgery and that nothing to the knee they operated on went wrong during this one.

They drew on me with a sharpie and made me initial it and then sign the consent form. Id be so beyond pissed if this happened to me, I don't think money would even make up for it.

Op should get so much compensation that the second one will be free

The first one should be free, so should the second one,plus OP needs money for the extra time off work he wasn't prepared for.