By 092492 - 05/03/2011 21:53 - United States
Same thing different taste
Pain in the ass
By Anonymous - 17/06/2021 22:01 - United States - Greenville
By Anonymous - 14/05/2012 03:14 - United States
By sadface - 04/01/2010 06:43 - Australia
Ring of fire
By Anonymous - 26/03/2023 12:00 - United States - Ardmore
By Anonymous - 17/07/2019 16:09
By Numbass123 - 04/05/2014 17:17 - United States - Las Vegas
By Anonymous - 14/06/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom
Slid right out
By Tabby Rosas - 21/02/2021 21:30
By Anonymous - 26/07/2022 16:00
Help! I need somebody!
By Anonymous - 16/07/2022 16:00
Top comments
hahaha. shitty cuz his ass is all shitty
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
oh i've never heard that pun before
^^^ hahaha! wow best comments :)
106 Maybe op is fat. 90% they're sitting though.
way to point out he obvious!
I don't see how you couldn't wipe your behind without bending your knee... I'm pretty sure if you just stand up and spread your legs you could do it.
All the OP needs to do is hold on to the counter, sink, back of the toilet or whatever to stand up with the good leg, use one hand to balance against whatever he/she used to stand up and the other to wipe..its not that hard.
way to ruin OP's dreams of finally having a valid excuse to not wipe when they took a shit...
I had full a knee replacement, and I was still able to wipe my own ass.
prior military, main reason it's prior now.
Unless you have had knee surgery you won't understand, I have knee surgery last year and I couldn't wipe properly either when I could finally move. Try sitting down with your leg straight out and don't bend it and try and wipe, good luck.
thatz sound like a shitty time lol happy shit
You'll have to live with a crusty asshole from now on D: That is until you can bend you knee again of course.
"crusty asshole" made my night lmfao
#3, you're an idiot and that wasn't funny. I wasted ten seconds of my life reading that. fml
It took you 10 seconds to read that?
How long to write the comment ?
It took you like two seconds to read that?!
wow if u wasted *2 seconds to read it and its a waste of ur "precious" life why are you wasting even more time writing shitty ass comments you douche
Do you wipe your ass with your feet then? I usually use my hands, so I don't see why I'd need to bend my legs, but FYL anyway.
Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it!
Yeeah, I dunno about you guys, but I use this really awesome stuff called "toilet paper" to wipe with. :-O Hahaha. But logistically I don't see how not being about to bend one knee would mean you couldn't wipe. Just shift to your good side... if it was both, then I could see, but only one? Doesn't make sense...
You're a good troll I always laugh a little at your posts, lol.
he's actually one of the few users here whose comments I enjoy reading!
i know how you feel. I had knee surgery like 3 weeks ago
If you can't bend your knee, how did you sit on the toilet?
exactly what I was thinking mabey he didn't use a toilet

Do you wipe your ass with your feet then? I usually use my hands, so I don't see why I'd need to bend my legs, but FYL anyway.
I don't see how you couldn't wipe your behind without bending your knee... I'm pretty sure if you just stand up and spread your legs you could do it.