By knee pain - 09/12/2013 19:17 - United States

Today, I woke up in my hospital bed after having knee surgery, on the wrong knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 084
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the few times I would actually suggest suing. I have heard stories of people drawing arrows and notes on themselves to ensure the surgeons work on the correct limb.

AngelLovesDerby 10

OMG! I would kill!!!! So sorry to hear OP!!


I would sue the shit out of the *******

When I had carpal tunnel surgery they asked me and checked paperwork at least 10 times.. I don't think they'd operate on te wrong limb. They even wrote on me

When I had my gallbladder out, I counted how many times each person who talked to me asked my name and what procedure I was having. In total, I was asked 24 times by the surgeon, nurses, anesthesiologist, and transporters. I have such a hard time believing something like this can happen, but I guess I got lucky with my hospital.

I'm so glad that 86.47% of the commenters here are saying that OP should sue. At least we're all in agreement. So now we can STOP SAYING THE SAME SHIT REPEATEDLY. Now that that's out of the way, I'm always surprised that wrong-site surgery still happens. Before I do anything where laterality is a concern, I have to mark the correct site. I would think it's impossible to screw it up, but I still hear stories regularly - the wrong kidney was removed, the wrong adrenal was removed, the wrong knee operated on, etc. It truly boggles the mind.

Whooooaa! How the heck did that happen! Can't you sue??

tehdarkness 21

Normally I don't hit the sue button, but I think you need to get a lawyer right away.

Wouldn't they do an X-ray before the surgery?...

It may have been a knee injury that doesn't come up well on xray.

caysters 12

And that will fall under medical malpractice. You realize how many people had to slip up for that to go past undetected? It's freakin ridiculous, because they take so many measures to prevent this! Definitely sue, and get your bad knee fixed.