By KBO - 08/06/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I woke up hungover and thirsty, I found a glass of water next to the sink, filled it up with more water, chugged it and went back to bed. I woke up an hour later to my best friend telling me she thought she lost her contacts. They were in a glass next to the sink. I ate her contacts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 064
You deserved it 43 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would never drink out of a glass that already was filled with water, especially after a night of drinking with no way to know what the glass contains other than water. Is it normal to even put contacts in a glass of water? I thought that you were only supposed to put them in their containers with the saline solution.

oh gross who keeps their contacts floating in a glass of water?


also i am thinking NOBODY here has ever had a hangover before. the girl was probably totally out of it and YOU GET THIRSTY.

HAHAHA! If that happened to me, I'd just laugh at my friend's blindness and hope i don't start losing control of my bowels.

everyone is over reacting to this. i just lolled and moved on. its funny cause he prolly made something up and didn't tell the girl that he drank the water haha

This is fake because I were contacts and u only put it in case with solutions plus u can't put in glass bc each contact is for a specific eye because of prescription

girlnamedkris 0

Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol.

cinderella_smile 0

ahahahhahahahahahha don't worry i once heard a story about some drinking a tooth. It was her daughters first tooth. Worst part, she diden't get any money!

edcba54321 0

I don't blame you because you were drunk. She deserved it for keeping her contacts in a glass. That's disgusting.

caitoLo 0

wait... so you drank her contact solution? shouldn't you call someone for that?

mortalcyn 0

#4, that is the funniest thing I've read on this entire site. Kudos to you, good sir/madam!