By hedayk - 15/05/2015 20:26 - United States - Bronx

Today, I woke up so hungover that when I went to the bathroom and caught sight of myself in the mirror, I screamed, slipped backwards, and smashed my head against the rim of my bathtub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 272
You deserved it 12 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiger1 10

Well... I guess the headache couldn't get much worse anyway?

lexiieeex3 32

Well I guess "rough night" would be an understatement, huh?


tiger1 10

Well... I guess the headache couldn't get much worse anyway?

Eat a nice sandwich before drinking next time, it helps so that you won't get hungover

Bullshit, if you drink 20 beers after a sandwich you will still be hungover.

The key to avoiding hangovers is making sure you stay hydrated. I always get really thirsty if I'm drinking... And drinking a lot of water definitely helps.

ZombieVampirez 24

Pizza or anything greasy helps. Or just don't drink over your limit.

That doesnt work. You have 2 options to prevent a hangover. Drink less alcohol or drink water or something else without alcohol after every 1 or 2 beers.

I wonder how many people are trying everyone's "no hangover" remedies

never_alone 10

hahaha, nice. you must have been pretty scary looking lol. that's why I drink Gatorade when I drink alcohol, helps prevent hangovers

cynthianicole95 9

He wasn't in the shower. so a shower mat wouldn't really do much. A small rug outside ofnthe tub, might have though.

lexiieeex3 32

Well I guess "rough night" would be an understatement, huh?

Ouch, Op. i hope you went to the hospital afterwards and everything is okay

funneh1 21

~Mirror mirror on the wall, why did I drink the most out of all?~ Lol, sorry guys...I had to. I hope your head is alright OP.

Hope you did not damage your bath tub, they can be expensive to fix or replace.