By KBO - 08/06/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I woke up hungover and thirsty, I found a glass of water next to the sink, filled it up with more water, chugged it and went back to bed. I woke up an hour later to my best friend telling me she thought she lost her contacts. They were in a glass next to the sink. I ate her contacts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 065
You deserved it 43 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would never drink out of a glass that already was filled with water, especially after a night of drinking with no way to know what the glass contains other than water. Is it normal to even put contacts in a glass of water? I thought that you were only supposed to put them in their containers with the saline solution.

oh gross who keeps their contacts floating in a glass of water?


Kattychu 0

I'm laughing to hard to wonder if YDI or not XDDDD

Woah. Another reason why I choose not to drink.

emosewa 0

I absolutely love that #4 knows what saline does to your digestive system...

angel03260 0

17- actually if you have the same prescription in each eye it wouldn't matter. and if you didn't you can tell so you would just switch them. she could have been outof solution and had to put it in water..

to everyone calling fake, i've done this with my contacts about a hundred bazillion times when i sleep over somewhere and forget my contact case. do all of you people commenting just carry your contact solution around with you absolutely everywhere you go all the time? one time in middle school, my friend's parents dumped out the water into the sink. i don't think this is unrealistic at all...?