By mynoseburns - 22/02/2010 19:32 - United States

Today, I sneezed while I was throwing up into the toilet. It turns out that throwing up is even less pleasant when the puke violently shoots out through your nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 523
You deserved it 2 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet your whole life flashed before your eyes when you realised you were about to sneeze.

RainbowPoof 2

Ah, that happened to me when I was little... I still have this weird fear of the blue fruit juice I had been drinking directly before (which was what I threw up), and I won't drink any blue liquids to this day. Of course, mmost blue liquids are cleaning products and stuff, so it's not a huge loss, I guess. I feel your pain, dude. :(


happened to me before too. it's like shootig acid out of your nose!

Yes! that happens to me all the time. that's the worst!

All the time? Seriously? Sounds like a fetish to me..

Even worse after foods like hotdogs, beans, any chunky foods like that. They get stuck in your sinuses and you can taste them for a while.

it burns! and icecream or any milk products is even more gross when it goes up from your nose

YeahFMLxX 0

hmm I have an irresistable bodily fluid fetish.. anyone want to help me out on this one?

Bugatti_Veyron 1

YOU MUST (epicly huge letters) DIE! go become an hero.

WhatANoob 0

h appened to me to. or that was just snot. alot of snot

eric_p 0

they could've been drunk, not sick

happened to me too WHAT EVER YOU DO DONT BLOW YOUR NOSE!!!

happened to me too once! there were carrot chunks flying all over!

quikwit1212 0

@66: Yeah, that burns like Hell.

It is acid and it hurts like hell! It happened to me quite a few times when I was preggers. A saline spray might help a little but be gentle. FYL OP and feel better.

YeahFMLxX 0

@53 yes. like blood. your hot for the record.

ILikePopCorn 0

#24 you litterly just discudted me way more then the OP.

toxic10uhc 0

1 that is what puking is... expulsing the contents of your stomach including the stomach acid

YeahFMLxX 0

why your welcome darling (: !

everytime I throw up, I mean. I have a weak stomach.

loski87 4

feel your pain on this one OP

fleshbleue 15

you're obviously a douche #43. you can't help it if your sick....FYL

i know i sound like a heartless turd, but the thought of puke (and chunks) flying out the nose puts a hilarious picture in my head.

tony_rox1 0
mirage_bks 0

totally agree! you'd think it helps... but it's a LIE!

xsupa_jesusx 0

haha dude this has happened to me too, it sucks ball lmao

I puked thru my dick before. Chunks came out. enuff said

RainbowPoof 2

Ah, that happened to me when I was little... I still have this weird fear of the blue fruit juice I had been drinking directly before (which was what I threw up), and I won't drink any blue liquids to this day. Of course, mmost blue liquids are cleaning products and stuff, so it's not a huge loss, I guess. I feel your pain, dude. :(

doink 0

What is your stance on the blue Otter-pops?

icall_BS 0

I have a Hi-C phobia after drinking like a gallon if that stuff and throwing up.

sublime93 0

Mine is with Lucky Charms. So colorful, but tastes like ass on the way up.

I didn't drink milk for a year after I threw up some that had been sitting in my stomach a while. It curdles in your stomach acid so it was like soft, rancid cheese.

#12: Awww cute dog :) Anyways, I've never thrown up from my nose, and stomach acid shud hurt. So... owch.

lilmisslovely13 15

that happened to my brother once. he drank an entire blender-full of milkshake, then threw up with such force it sprayed out of his nose. it was really gross, but he's proud if it. of course, he's also 10 :)

NGM_47 0

HA! That happened to me before...not only did vomit come out, but the advil I took a few minutes earlier, too! IT BURNED! FYL.

hey, at least it wasn't diarreah. I don't even know how that happened to me.....

I think it was after watching the first ten minutes of twilight..... I was probablymy body protecting me from emotional scarring.

LMAO..yes for sureee. That sucks and is hilarious all at the same time.

silentsniper441 0

I'd take explosive diarhhea over puking any day

quikwit1212 0

But your stomach feels terrible with diarhea, but when you're pukey, you feel bad for five minutes before throwing up, then you get it all out, and you feel better.

YeahFMLxX 0

*twlight fans start cursing aloud in their parents houses* TWLIGHT WAS THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE AND YOU KNOW IT! *proceeds back into dark corner with the Edward Cullen tshirt that hasn't been washed sconce last November* never takin' it off! Cause we're the best arounddd! no one ever gonna' bring us down!

jennacide 0
ZombieBunnies 0

I thought it was funny but I guess it SNOT?!

jennacide 0

I get it, thats pretty cute. I'm using thaat know when I have to care for my really drunk throwing up brother. :)

ndiesal 0

Oh ****, it hurts just to read that. That's worse than the time that I vomitted and had diarrhea at the same time.

oh my god that happened to me to! it sucked

I bet your whole life flashed before your eyes when you realised you were about to sneeze.

htownlove 0

lmao this comment made my day

bcns 0

if that comment made your day us better get a life, cause that's just sad, loner

happened to me once...once sneezing and the other the puke came out of my nose anyways o_0

bitethebullet 0

that may be the most ****** up mental image i've ever gotten. but it was awesome as well. i congradulate you.

I congradulate you too for lastnight(; Let's all change the subject cause really all I keep seeing is "gross" or "that's cool" We're not in the 70's any more. God I'm high

quikwit1212 0

How is it not? Being sick just sucks.

Elly, are you an American? (not related to the post; just curious)

This is not an* FML Learn some ******* English