By LetsMakeLove - 10/06/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the game with my boss and some people he does business with on his tab. I got so drunk that I blacked out, threw up all over the table, and passed out in the bathroom. I woke up alone with my body reeking of vomit, and no phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 535
You deserved it 76 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zrhcrx 0

it's called learning your limit you still have a job?

damn...YDI for not knowing when to stop. Especially around your boss.


zrhcrx 0

it's called learning your limit you still have a job?

wow your poor boss Today, I went to the game with some coworkers and put everyone on my tab. One guy bought about 20 beers and puked all over the place. We all just stared. FML.

22cute 17

Yeah, I'm sure you were an emarasment to your boss. Ever think of that?

Harlei81 0

Wow. That really sucks. YDI, though!

your boss sounds like an asshole, leaving you on your own when you were in that state

22cute 17

Well, no, it's not the bosses job to babysit jackass employees...hello!

taybear0 14

but what about human decency! yes, OP screwed up and behaved in an indecent manner. But you can't leave someone unconscious where who knows what could have happened to him. the boss or coworkers should've helped OP out, and the boss couldve fired OP later

i smell a promotion coming in your future ;) ^ thats what i wrote as #1 and it got moded ...


you're dumb! better hope you still have your job

Poonheart 0

Oh, so you're the guy whose phone I stole...

damn...YDI for not knowing when to stop. Especially around your boss.

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT. How old are you?