By LetsMakeLove - 10/06/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the game with my boss and some people he does business with on his tab. I got so drunk that I blacked out, threw up all over the table, and passed out in the bathroom. I woke up alone with my body reeking of vomit, and no phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 532
You deserved it 76 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zrhcrx 0

it's called learning your limit you still have a job?

damn...YDI for not knowing when to stop. Especially around your boss.


YDI, how could you humiliate your boss and endanger your job? I would have fired you on the spot dumb ass.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

Unless you really hate your job and want to get fired, don't ever get drunk in front of yourk boss and/or co-workers!

Was your plan to drink yourself in front of your boss and customers into unconciousness. If so, you win! Stay classy dude.

Wow. I'm Proud Of You, and I'm Sure Your Boss Is As Well. You Sound Like You Really Love Your Alcoholic Beverages, Huh?

gelatinskeleton 0

You deserve it for having absolutely no self control.

how can this be a fml, YDI that times one thousand, thats completely your fault!