By Btdtgts - 25/03/2017 14:00

Today, I had to take out the grease traps from our fryers. A very rude co-worker cut me off, so I had to abruptly stop and try to prevent as much spilling as possible. Luckily, it only spilled on me. I'm here for six more hours with burned, smelly, greasy spots all over my skin and clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 605
You deserved it 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side if you find yourself in a tight situation you can probably squeeze through it, In all realness that sucks op and I hope you're okay, if it is severe go home or go to the hospital, many times since it occurred at the work place your work could cover the incident, good luck!

Whispra 5

Grease burns? They ought to be sending you to the hospital if not at least home for the day.


On the bright side if you find yourself in a tight situation you can probably squeeze through it, In all realness that sucks op and I hope you're okay, if it is severe go home or go to the hospital, many times since it occurred at the work place your work could cover the incident, good luck!

Ooh, I bet you smell like a French fry. You'll probably get a lot of offers for dates before your shift ends.

Btdtgts 22

French fries don't smell so good in the cooking greasy phase.

species4872 19

Your description sounds like adolescence is starting all over again.

Whispra 5

Grease burns? They ought to be sending you to the hospital if not at least home for the day.

Report your coworker to management for making the work environment unsafe, before they wind up causing someone even more serious harm. Seriously, a kid I went to high school with lost two of his fingers and early his entire hand because one of his coworkers (it was an older guy- like late 30's, the kid was 17) decided that instead of waiting for him to get done using a piece of machinery, he would shove his way past like he always did. No one ever reported him because the adult had been there for years in the same entry level position and he was rude and aggressive as hell on top of that. You might have only received a few burns this time, but next time it could be burning hot oil all over your face and eyes.