By justine - 13/12/2009 16:53 - United States

Today, I went to see a play. I'm pregnant, so I always need to pee. At intermission, I ran to use the bathroom, but there was a really long line. I asked the woman in front of me if I could pass her. She responded, "You don't look pregnant!", and lectured me about lying while I peed my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 970
You deserved it 3 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch, i would have just run into the stall before her. you def didn't deserve it.


Hermyoni 0

Should of went into the men's room if it was that much of an emergency. Also I suggest strengthening those kegals. You should be able to hold it in even while pregnant.

Shadow1986 0

Whether you perform Kegel exercises or still have a baby inside pushing on your bladder.

dunyone1 0

most people commenting are stupid. i wont get into anything, but i will say that when youre preg you frequently have to go the bathroom and sometimes its out of no where.

It's funny how all the know-it-all teenagers really show their ignorance on FMLs like these.

TryToBeKind 0

I didn't look pregnant until I was about five months along. Even then, since it was winter I was usually wearing my (then) husbands old work overalls (we lived where it was frequently below zero in wintertime) so it was harder to see. It really sucks when you really have to go and no one will let you through. Especially if it is an elderly person or a child. I was about 10 when some ***** in Chicago pushed me out of the way into a stall. I pointed her out to my mom when I finally did get to go and she shoved that bitch into a concrete wall, lol

alwaysalady 0

I didn't look pregnant until I was almost 7 months, and never looked like I was "due"/ I hope she felt bad after that. If you some chick says she's pregnant. you should just do as she says, because she may pee or puke on you.

Ah, some people are so rude. I'm 1 week away from being 7 months, and high risk. I'm supposed to be on bed rest, but I do have to get to my appointments, y'know. No one ever gets up from their seat on the bus, and I am kinda huge. The lady probably just didn't want to lose her spot in line, and most likely is one of those people who like to put others down, and make herself seem all righteous. (Also, pantyliners help. Though not so much in this situation..) FYL, dear.

You should move to my city; people always give up their seats here. Old? Have a seat! Pregnant? Have a seat! Blind? Have a seat! Have a cane? Have a seat! A little green around the gills? Have a kid with you? Tired? Under 14 or over 25? Just want to talk to your friend who's sitting next to the window? Have a seat! I never sit in the front seats, myself, but some people truly surprise me.

prettystoopid 0

whatever, you deserved it. I've had three children, never once did I come close to having an accident. It's called not waiting till the last second to pee. I call Fake

I call everyone's body responses differently. YDI for not thinking of that.

sdcrazy1018 0

Should of pulled her hair and called her a bitch

a lot of pregnant women assume the world will stop for them. Here's a aren't the first woman on earth to experience the miracle of procreation, most of us do it and believe it or not, the world isn't going to adjust to you. You have some nerve assuming because you are pregnant that you needed to pee much more than the lady in front of you. I would have let you go before me but not before telling you to plan your potty breaks appropriately. You should have gotten up a little earlier to reach the restroom before the rest of the bulging bladders.

"I would have let you go before me but not before telling you to plan your potty breaks appropriately." Blech. You're one of /those/ poeple.

Obviously she did need to go to the restroom more than the other lady, dumb ass. She peed on herself, and the other lady did not.

xmagster 0

Think of this in the context of a normal person almost wetting themselves... would probably let them go ahead. Since when is courtesy such a bad thing?

Were the other pregnant women waiting to use the restroom cutting the line too?

You're a total asswipe. Abortions kill life. & unless you have a concrete reason to abort a child, then it should never be done. The little ****** who go around and will have sex with anyone, get pregnant, then abort the baby deserve to die. Obviously, you add to most of our theories that men are just idiotic, blundering fools, although there are a good few, such as the ones who encouraged OP to use the men's bathroom. You have no idea what it's like to be pregnant, my mother almost died from severe sickness with my second baby brother, yet she still didn't get an abortion. &&, FYI, when my mum was pregnant, and she had to go, she had to go. No-one stood in her way of that pan. They either moved, or she went through them. xx

Chocolate_Chunk 2

wait.. you say people getting abortions need to die.. and you call other people fools?