Alpha male behavior

By Hotdamnthisismyjam - 16/06/2009 00:32 - Canada

Today, I went to the bar with some friends. When we walked in, we picked a table at random in the same area as a bunch of older men. The oldest, fattest, ugliest man at the table looked me over then stared at my chest. He then started to motorboat the air in the direction of my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 235
You deserved it 6 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gingermonster16 0

Don't FML! That's a compliment. It means you have good boobs. You should have flipped him off though. For those confused: Moaterboating is when you get all up into someones cleavage (in this case) and shake your head left and right while making your lips flap together by breathing air out. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I just laughed at myself writing that description. It sounds soooo ******* dumb when expained, but it is just ******* dumb anyways.

Jonesy_fml 0

Beggars can't be choosers! =P


rofl haha. ydi for being boring and trashy. first!

Never seen Wedding Crashers? Haha, basically, it means he wanted to bury his face in her chest, shake his head left and right while making a "motorboat" sound.

Rainhawk94 27

Hey here's a crazy thought, not everyone on fml has English as their first language

Jonesy_fml 0

Beggars can't be choosers! =P


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shot sorry I just realized I posted my comment in the wrong one. haha fail

Koalafrau_fml 0

What does motorboating the air mean??? You mean, like Barney in HIMYM?

_apecakez 0

I'd probz air-motorboat you too. :]

#2 and #6 - motorboating refers to someone rubbing their face in someones ****. He wanted to motorboat her **** and showed a little demonstration for her.

gingermonster16 0

Don't FML! That's a compliment. It means you have good boobs. You should have flipped him off though. For those confused: Moaterboating is when you get all up into someones cleavage (in this case) and shake your head left and right while making your lips flap together by breathing air out. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I just laughed at myself writing that description. It sounds soooo ******* dumb when expained, but it is just ******* dumb anyways.