By TT - 19/04/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, I went to get some teeth pulled. I had Novocaine in my gums and lip so I couldn't feel a thing. When the doctor is pulling out the last tooth, he sneezes and pulls the tooth out. He looks in my mouth and I hear, "Oh, shit..." I now have stitches in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 711
You deserved it 2 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:s I hope the shit from his sneeze didn't go in ur cut :S:S


i got stitches in my mouth even when nothing went wrong. that's what happens. be thankful he didn't pull out the wrong tooth or something..

xael128 0

ouch...u wer a bit ambiguous tho about wtf happened

O_O I'm going to the dentist tomorrow. -is scared-

IfuckingHateYou 5

#15, I've had 16 teeth pulled in my 17 years (when I was younger they just refused to come out on their own) and they've never had to do that. That actually sounds unnecessarily painful and weird. I think #50's story is more lawsuit-worthy than the OP's...sure, it sucks, but don't we all accidentally sneeze at the wrong moment sometimes? Or in someone's food or something?

?? this story makes no sense to me. the dentist pulled the tooth he wanted, said "oh shit" for some reason, then stitched it up. everything seems normal minus the "oh shit" part. the reason they stitch it is so you dont get some gaping hole in your jaw and so it doesnt fill with food and random shit like that. i really dont see how this is FML material.

LadyAdams 0

numero 45: all of my fiancee's back teeth shattered because he didn't get his wisdom teeth pulled and the left side of his jaw cracked. so i'd have them looked at or you may be seeing a lot more of a dentist than you would have originally had to. Just a little FYI

The OP probably misinterpreted something about this FML, or didn't explain it right. But number #43 did it for me. I'm so glad I have a dentist in the family or else I'd never go to a dentist again. ... then again... o_o

chambers3006 0

that happen to me but he didnt sneeze he just shattered my tooth in my mouth and had to cut away at my gum to get all the tooth out

ultravioletbaby 0

That sucks but you would have had stitches no matter what. I just got four pulled a few weeks ago sooo yeah haha