
By Toothy. - 25/07/2009 04:21 - Australia

Today, I went to the dentist to have two cavities filled. I hate going to the dentist. After he'd started drilling, I heard a "clunk" noise followed by an "Oops." My dentist had cut my tooth in half. Now I have to get surgery to have the tooth extracted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 080
You deserved it 2 932

Same thing different taste


It's not the dentist's fault that you have weak teeth. YDI for eating lots of sweets, daddy's lil girl.

spazzdoodle 0

I'd like to see a dentist verify this is even possible before I blame him. It looks extremely suspicious on the OP's part that a dentist can crack a tooth in half while trying to extract a cavity...

curryndricegirll 0

yeah, YDI for having cavities for either eating too many sweets or just not brushing your teeth right. and the cavities make it hard anyway, since they're literally holes in your teeth...i mean, drill to close to it and it's bound to happen. not the dentist's fault.

teeth have nerves you would have felt it and been screaming in pain, my tooth was worn down near the nerve an whenever I ate it was painful

nateb1tch 1

you fill a cavity. all a cavity is, is a hole

SailorSolaris 43

Trust me, 103, if OP is under anesthetic, he/she won't feel a thing. And it is possible, if in the right spot. I was eating something and suddenly, CRACK! My tooth just split and I had to have a crown put on it.

You need a new dentist. It has always scared me how doctors [and dentist] mess up

take better care of your teeth and you won't get cavities.

exactly. two cavities? does the OP even brush or floss at all??

littlebopeep10 0

Not necessarily. There are some people whose body chemistry makes them get cavities, no matter what they do (something my dentist told me).

pepper2394 0

My teeth have more groves than usual in them so I can't brush them that well. So it might not be that she does't floss.

like you've never had more than 1 cavity? ******* hypocrite.

ur fault for going to a bad dentist. look at yelp.com U deserve it .

This would definitely come under 'Dental Negligence,' which I do believe you are able to claim compensation for in Australia.

Wow i hated dentist before, now you've put me off for life O.o

Why is there so many dentist Stories:S I'm going like next week to see the dentist!