By Anonymous - 19/04/2009 19:21 - United States

Today, I found out that the girl I've been in love with for a long while got back together with her ex boyfriend because he had confessed his true feelings to her through a note in her locker. It was my note. FML
I agree, your life sucks 115 325
You deserved it 11 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Irishwarriorking 0

That really sucks, but you really should of put your name on it to prevent that kind of mix-up.


sounds like that dude needs to Chris Brown a (man)bitch

noobgang7 5

sign your name next time you pussy

marykateex3 0

Aww. Sorry. But that's why talking in person is better than leaving notes.

Irishwarriorking 0

That really sucks, but you really should of put your name on it to prevent that kind of mix-up.

ohboyy 0

why don't you tell her you wrote it?!!! Stand up for your woman!

if yu wrote it, yu should be able to recite the words. :)

Really? You couldn't write "you"? One more letter will kill you? Jeez...

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

Well, this is just going to make things awkward for the other man :) Which will make her feel really awkward. So fix the situation and let her know, somehow or other, that it was you :)

glockjaw 0

Dude, instead of FMLing it, take some initiative! Do something badass and we'll hear about it as a movie based on a true story. Or, write another note breaking up with her and calling her a pigheaded *****.

rowanneee 0

duuuuude! tell her it was your note! not only will it show her how sweet you are, but it will prove was a tool her boyfriend is for taking the credit. if he claims he wrote it, just prove it was you by telling her exactly what you wrote. don't take that shit.