By Anonymous - 14/11/2017 15:00

Today, I went on a hike. It had snowed the night before so I wore warm clothes. They didn’t help when I slipped and broke my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 091
You deserved it 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tarabella 7

Today, i took the blue bag when i went shopping. That didn't help when they were out of my favourite cereal.

Lobby_Bee 17

You knew it snowed, yet you still risked it for a hike. I wouldn't say YDI, but not exactly FYL.


They surely have helped when you were laying on the cold hard ground waiting for someone to rescue you and save you life.

Hmm, maybe they malfunctioned. If they’re still under warranty, I’d try to get them replaced with new ones. You’d think clothing manufacturers would thoroughly test the leg-saving abilities of their products.

Lobby_Bee 17

You knew it snowed, yet you still risked it for a hike. I wouldn't say YDI, but not exactly FYL.

tarabella 7

Today, i took the blue bag when i went shopping. That didn't help when they were out of my favourite cereal.

makefmlsgreatagain 1

Surprised anyone would hike in the snow if they didn't have to, but hopefully the break wasn't too bad

If people like to hike then they usually hike is all seasons

exileonmainst 16

”Hey, I’m going on a hike.” ”Okay, break a leg!”

TeachAllTheMath 19

I hope you weren’t too far on your hike when you fell!

I think you were wearing the wrong shoes, but even with the right shoes there is always the chance of getting hurt while hiking. Either way I hope for a speedy recovery and hopefully you will be out their hiking again

Hopefully putting ice on it will- ...wait, hold on a second...