By BonGoWash - 07/02/2013 14:45 - United States - Bronxville

Today, I went to do my laundry. Having no laundry bag, I put clothes in a suitcase and headed to the basement. When my roommate saw me, she burst into tears with happiness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 940
You deserved it 5 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, one of you here isn't telling us the whole story: one of you is a complete bitch.

HowAreYouToday 34

Indeed. Whenever I see FMLs like this, I feel like there's a reason everyone hates OP.


Maybe your clothes smell like shit and she was happy you were washing them.

I suggest you take some English Comprehension classes then, since it was pretty straight-forward.

Dammit Pleonasm, being condescending to idiots on here is my job! Go back to making puns or something. >:(

gregkingsley 4

And by roommate you mean you're the bum on the couch that doesn't pay rent?

erockinthesuburb 17

Hey, that situation worked out pretty well for the guy in Half Baked.

chillypalmer 7

That is hilarious please buy a basket or bag lol

Maybe you should look else where to live or you might regret it later! Actions speak louder then words

Is this really your first time doing laundry while living with this roommate? That's gross unless you've only been there a week, so probably not long enough for someone to hate you!

You... you completely missed the point of this. OP was saying that his/her roommate thought they were moving out. Smart one.

It's a vicious cycle with you, op. Why do you have to air your dirty laundry? You know this could all come out in the wash if you would just let it soak awhile, but you have to put your own spin on everything. Then you agitate...

Maybe she was just glad that you finally decided to wash your clothes.....

clearly she can't wait for you to move out. are you sure you don't smell? maybe you're a complete slob, who is also always late with the rent. Can't really tell if the audio or film.