Where is everyone?

By Anonymous - 04/12/2019 20:00

Today, I tried to have a game night at my house. Suggesting a popular card game that everyone plays, snacks, and BYOB. No one showed or even said they weren't coming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 282
You deserved it 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

Did anyone say they WERE coming? Have these ‘friends’ ever said “hello” back to you?

There's so much missing framework here. How did you suggest it? Random post on social media vs. while everyone was sitting together makes a huge difference. Did people actually agree to come? People only not saying that they're not coming doesn't mean they're coming when they didn't agree to it in the first place, especially if it was on short notice.


bloopaloop 27

Did anyone say they WERE coming? Have these ‘friends’ ever said “hello” back to you?

There's so much missing framework here. How did you suggest it? Random post on social media vs. while everyone was sitting together makes a huge difference. Did people actually agree to come? People only not saying that they're not coming doesn't mean they're coming when they didn't agree to it in the first place, especially if it was on short notice.

Nzuri 2

That’s not so bad. More snacks for you.

Im going to get crazy and say that there's a positive side to this. When I had just turned 18, I was very excited about a concert. maybe 8 people were supposed to go. One suddenly had to work, another broke an arm, another got sick, etc. I'd like to think they were all truthful, and I was a stubborn teenager and went by myself to a concert with 127 thousand people. I randomly met my best friend that day who also ended up by himself. we've been best friends for over 20 years now! If any of our friends had showed up we wouldn't have such an incredible friendship. And sometimes every single person really does have a problem that prevents them from showing up! Your situation is a little more drab, but who knows, maybe something bad would have happened or maybe something good will come out of them not showing up 😉😉😉😉😉😉

🙋‍♀️ I’ll come to ur game night🤷‍♀️